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What is Alexa Traffic Rank?

Alexa Rank is a traffic measuring and ranking system based on visitors of your blog who have Alexa toolbar installed. This means that every person who is using Alexa toolbar and visits your blog (website), makes you one point higher than before. (In this case lower by numbers)

Homepage of Alexa:

Why do we need to Increase Alexa Rank?

In the context of monetized web, Alexa rank is considered highly by different money making networks. Basically it creates the rate which is considered by some money makers during pricing ads on your blog (website).

ReviewMe and Text-Link-Ads are one of those money making networks which determine your ad pricing by the Alexa Rank.

Such pricing also applies during selling a site or a link.

Alexa Stats can also indicate the existing concurrency between sites.

How it is calculated?

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and data obtained from other, diverse traffic data sources, and is a combined measure of page views and users (reach). …. Alexa’s definition of Alexa Traffic Rank

How do I get most from Alexa?

One and the most important thing is that you need to have Alexa toolbar installed to get started. The simple and easy way to get Alexa toolbar for Internet Explorer - download it from Alexa Toolbar for Internet Explorer. If you are using FireFox go here and click the button which says Get Sparky>

What are webmasters saying about increasing Alexa Rank.

When most of the webmasters state that increasing Alexa Rank artificially is possible, there are sceptics who say that it is all made through natural Traffic. Note: Natural traffic works best, when providing quality content to your readers. Well, it is really hard to get to top 1000 for Alexa Rankings due to the high competition between the websites. But it is much more easier to get to top 100,000.

Even though there is no 100% guaranteed way to boost your rankings, my practice with my old blogs has shown that there are several proven ways to reach the first 100,000. So let’s get to it right now.

First 2 Ways to Increase your Alexa Traffic Rank

1) Install Alexa toolbar and place your site as a homepage

2) Place a Widget on your blog or website It may count as your visitors have toolbar installed when clicking the widget.

This two ways are proven by the most successful and money making blogs.

I didn’t include other suggested ways, only because they are not proven and not worthy. Although buying ads, links and encouraging friends to get Alexa toolbar does help. (usually they will visit your blog)

Credit to : Make Money Online

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