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I love this articel as remaining to myself. The articel written by Thinkblogger (thank you very much)

I hate to say it, but blogger’s sometimes get ahead of themselves. (I am no exception). However, this is a relatively new blog (about a month and a bit) and I think I am doing a fairly good job on promoting it. I am starting to see an increase of traffic and ‘life’ while going through the page hits on my awstats and google analytics.

This Blog’s Experience:
Within the month of this blog being online, I pulled in about 7,000-8,000 unique visitors in my first month. As most blogger’s may point out in their own thirst-quenching way, we all want more traffic. There are a few ways to increase the traffic to your blog which may not be considered by most bloggers:

1.Patience. I know, not exactly something that I should start with, but guess what: its true. Bloggers get ahead of the themselves. Unless your extremely lucky or a genius, it takes time to build up readership (unless you want to put in some money into it, then that opens up a whole new side of “how to’s”).
2.Comment on Related/Popular Blogs. I know, not exactly easy to do but if you are helpful and polite, it can definitely increase your chances. If someone comments something rude on this blog, chances are I wont even look at it and pretty much just delete it whenever I feel convenient. (I am sorry, but I like to have a positive feel on my blog, thanks.)
3.Update Frequently. RSS feeds are a great tool and weapon for your blog. Make sure to use it. I try to update my blog once a day in order to try and keep people interested. Unless your blog is overly popular, I wouldn’t post much more than 3-4 posts a day, as it may eventually overwhelm readers and get them to unsubscribe. Then again, if your posts are genuine and worthwhile, keep them coming ;).
4.Join Forums. This is probably a good way to do it. Find a forum that has a high alexa rank and great traffic flow. If you are a webmaster or in business/marketing, check out DigitalPoint. Though not my best source of traffic, it manages to still net me 50-200 visitors daily with only 300 posts (it also depends on how much I post that day and promote). Forum’s are a good way to also gain visibility by putting your site/blog on your signature. They are a great source of backlinks (but not PR juice).
5.Give Stuff Away for Free. Yep, no brainer here. Contests are great. Free Templates are great too. This has been discussed on this blog multiple times. It’s true though, these can help create a lot of back links, which in turn can give you higher page rank. etc etc.
6.Trackbacks. Though I have not utilized trackbacks on THIS blog, I must say that it is a great way to not only gain visibility, but can build a unique income of traffic if the blog is popular enough. (That is the main reason why I have not done many trackback’s yet, I’d hate to write about a heavy hitter and have him/her take a quick look at my blog and think to themselves, “Who is this guy?”). Trackbacks can wait, though they are great, if you know what you are doing.
7.SEO optimization. I know, I know, this topic has been discussed to death here too. Guess why? SEO optimization actually works! 25% of my traffic is coming from Google Search Engines. Wan’t to know what is funny? Some of my posts are on the first page (position’s 3-7 in some cases), and this blog is a PR0. What does this tell you?
8.Backlinks. Of course, the other greatest weapon of them all. I have not done many directory submissions or anything else as of yet (I will give it another month before I start - I wish to get some more content here first), though back links are crucial to your blog or website.
9.Linkbaiting. Something that is a mystery and yet so simple. There are different ways to linkbait a blog, that of which can help you gain the traffic from other blogs quite easily. This is a great way to get some nice traffic flowing to your blog.
10.List of Tips/Resource List. Genuine tips are really attractive to readers because they explain things in just a few seconds. Wan’t to know why you see them everywhere? because they work. Better yet, include sources to where you’ve seen these tips to the actual post and watch the fun. On my other blog I had a list of 22 tips; out of those 22, 17 trackbacked to my ‘resource’ list of posts
11.Social Bookmarking. You’ve probably heard of it. Heck, you’ve probably joined a few. Technorati, Digg, Stumblupon, Mybloglog, BlogCatalog, Entrecard,, Reddit, and many more. These are great for getting traffic if use properly.

This is only the first splattering of tips. Though common guidelines, many blogger’s forget about the basics and try to work on the advanced ones. You have to walk before you can run. However, being outside of the box can always be beneficial sometimes, too

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